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Design Tab
The Design tab of the Signature Editor allows you to customize the visual elements of your email signature, ensuring it aligns perfectly with your brand's identity. This comprehensive tool provides a range of features to help you create a professional and visually appealing signature.
The design elements displayed on this page are based on the template selected. If an element does not exist in your template it does not appear on the Design tab. Here's a breakdown of its features and functionalities:
Signature style |
In this section, you can customize the overall layout, font definitions, and spacing for the signature. Additionally, you can customize the style for each of the signature fields and other elements. |
Images | In this section, you can change the size, shape and position of the signature image. |
Details |
In this section, you can customize how you or the employee detail information is displayed. You can define labels, direction and separators for the signature fields. Additionally, you can select whether the signature is modified to optimize its display on an iPhone. |
Social icons |
In this section, you can customize how the social icons are displayed. You can define the shape, size, spacing fill and color of the social icons. |
Decorative line | In this section, you can customize how the line in the signature is displayed. You can define the line style and color or whether it is displayed. |
Reset to default | Resets all the setting in this tab to default for the selected signature. |
Preview with employee | Under the signature preview, you can select an employee to preview their signature. Only available with WiseStamp for Teams. |
!important!When you are finished editing the signature, click Done Editing and select whether it should be saved as a draft or published.!/important!
Signature style
In the Signature style section, you can customize the overall layout, font definitions, and spacing for the signature. Additionally, you can customize the style for each of the signature fields.
- Font: Select from a variety of font types to ensure your signature text aligns with your brand. The fonts available are typically supported by all email providers.
- Template Color: Select the color for your template to match your brand’s color scheme. This includes the color of your name, signature field labels and highlight bars.
- Font scale: Using the slider to increase or decrease the font sizes in your signature.
- Line spacing: Using the slider to customize the spacing between different text elements in your signature to enhance readability and visual appeal.
- Space from email: Using the slider, adjust the spacing between your signature and the email content.
Customize each detail individually: Click Show to display these additional options to further customize individual elements, including:
- Name: Further customize the font definition for the your name or the name of the employee. From this section, you can set the font type, font color, font size and font style.
- Title: Further customize the font definition for the title displayed in the signature. From this section, you can set the font type, font color, font size and font style.
- Company: Further customize the font definition for your company name displayed in the signature. From this section, you can set the font type, font color, font size and font style.
- Label: Further customize the labels for the signature fields. The options available is based on the type of label type used. You can set the font type, font color, font size and font style when using a text label. If using an icon label, you can set the icon color and size.
- Details: Further customize the font definition for you or the employee detail information. From this section, you can set the font type, font color, font size and font style.
In the Images section, you can customize your profile picture and/or company logo, as follows:
- Shape: Choose between different shapes (e.g., square, circle) for your images to match your design preference.
- Size: Use the slider to set the size of your image to fit your signature. The number displayed above the slider indicates the width of the image in pixels. Alternatively, you can change the size of the image by typing the desired width in pixels above the slider.
- Position: Select the position of the image. You can set the image to be either at the top, middle or bottom of the signature. This option is not available for all templates.
In the Details section, you can customize how you or the employee detail information is displayed, as follows.
- Labels: Defines the label for each signature detail field to provide clarity and context. You can select a text option or an icon. If the icon type is selected, you can select an icon per signature field.
- Direction: Defines whether the signature details are displayed horizontally or vertically. When selecting the horizontal direction, the information may be display in several lines, based on the amount on information in your signature.
- Separator: Select the symbol used to separate the signature details. This option is not available when the Direction is set to horizontal.
- Optimize for sending iOS mail: Click the toggle switch to select whether the signature is modified to optimize its display when sending an email from an iPhone using iOS Mail. This option is only relevant when the signature was added to iOS Mail using the copy/paste method, as described in Deploy Signature on Mobile Devices.
Social icons
In the Social icons section, you can customize how your social icons are displayed, as follows:
- Fill: Select the fill style for your social icons to align with your brand.
- Shape: Choose between different shapes (e.g., square, circle) for your social icons to match your design preference.
- Size: Using the slider, set the size of your social icons to fit your signature.
- Space between: Using the slider, customize the spacing between social icons to create a neat and organized look.
- Color: Select whether you want to use the original color of the icons, as designed by the associated social media companies. If you select Custom, the option to select a color appears. Then, select the color of the social icons to align with your brand color.
Decorative line
In the Decorative line section, you can customize how the line in the signature is displayed, as follows:
- Style: Select the style of the line, such as solid, dashed, or dotted.
- Match with template color: Click the toggle switch to select whether the line color is the same as the template color.
- Color: When Match with template color is disabled, the option to change the line color is displayed. To change the color, select the color of the line to align with your brand color.