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Employee Hub
The Employee hub page is available with the WiseStamp Teams plan. It allows your employees to view their personal signatures and edit their personal details as permitted by the administrator. This page ensures company-wide consistency while enabling employees to personalize certain details, where allowed. Additionally, employees can access tailored installation instructions specific to their email client directly from this page.
Access the Employee hub
Employees can access their personalized Employee hub by either of the following methods:
- From the WiseStamp Chrome extension
- From the invite email
To access the Employee hub from the WiseStamp Chrome extension, click the WiseStamp Extension Menu icon in the Compose window and then select Edit signature details. If enabled, you can also click the Edit icon in the Compose window.
To access the Employee hub from the invite email, the administrator must first send the invite email to the employee. Employees can then access their Employee hub by clicking the link provided in the email. Invite emails can be sent automatically when an employee is activated or manually by the administrator.
Initial access
Before accessing the Employee hub for the first time, the employee must first authenticate. If the employee has the WiseStamp Chrome extension installed and authenticated, this authentication is also used to access the Employee hub. Once authenticated, a cookie is saved and the employee is not required to authenticate again to access the Employee hub.
After clicking the link from the invite email, the employee may need to perform the following to authenticate:
- A message appears to sign in to access the Employee hub. Enter your email address and click Sign in.
- An email with a code is sent to your email address. This code expires in a short time, so proceed to the next step promptly.
- Open this email and enter the 4-digit code.
Employee hub page
Once the employee clicks the link in the invite email, the Employee hub opens displaying all the signatures available to the employee with the employee's personal details. The Signatures panel displays the following:
- Signature name: On the top-left of each signature, the name of the signature is displayed.
- Signature assignment: If the signature is assigned to an email type, on the top-right of each signature the assignment is displayed. This defines the default signature applied to the specific email type (primary, reply, forward).
- Edit signature: If editing personal details is permitted, the button Edit details is displayed when hovering over the signature. Click Edit details to open the Signature details page to edit the allowed details.
- Install signature: To access installation instructions for a signature, hover over the signature and click Install. This opens a page with tailored installation steps based on the selected email platform.
Preview actual size: Opens a preview of the selected signature in actual size. If the signature cannot fit properly within the size displayed on the Signatures panel, this option can display the actual size of the signature.
To preview the actual size of the signature, hover over the signature and click the Zoom icon on the top-right of the signature.
Edit signatures
This feature allows employees to personalize certain elements of their signature when the administrator permits employee editing.
To edit a signature by an employee:
- From the Employee hub, hover over the signature to be edited and click Edit details. The Signature details page opens with the parameters used in the signature displayed.
Note: To display all the parameters for the employee, go to the Profile page.
- Edit the details as needed. Any changes made here are applied across all signatures.
- Click Save changes and the changes are displayed in the signature preview to the right.
Note: The Locked icon to the right of the details indicates that these parameters can only be changed by the administrator.
Profile page
The Profile page displays all Employee fields available for the employee. It allows the employee to view and edit their personal details. Any details with a Locked icon to the right of the field can only be changed by the administrator. To access the Profile page, click the Profile icon on the top-right corner of the page and click Profile.
Access installation instructions
From the Employee hub, employees can access tailored installation instructions specific to their email client. The installation instructions displayed are defined by the administrator from the Employee hub settings page.
To access installation instructions:
- Hover over the signature to be installed and click Install.
- On the left panel of the page that opens, click the relevant email platform.
- The recommended method is displayed. To display the instructions for an alternative method when available, select the alternative method from the dropdown list in the first line of the instructions.
- Follow the instructions to add your signature. Click on each step of the procedure to see the associated screenshot.